That’s a Wrap!

That’s a Wrap!

We’ve all been told not to judge a book by its cover, but what about cigar wrappers? There’s a lot to understand about them! Not only do they inform you of the quality, they greatly impact the cigar flavor. (Some experts say up to 75%!) So where to begin when understanding wrappers?

Cigar wrappers are categorized based on the country of origin, but it’s simpler to identify them based on their color. They range from a light to deep, dark brown. Sometimes they are green. The colors change due to the aging process.

Other aspects to notice are blemishes, width and texture. Higher quality cigars have fewer blemishes, appear flawless, have an oily texture, and have veins that are almost unnoticeable.

There are four major types of wrappers: Connecticut, Corojo, Habano and Maduro.

Origin: Northeast, USA 
Color: Light brown
Flavor: Mild, woody, mellow
Fun Fact: These wrappers are typically grown in the shade. The filtered sun creates a thinner and lighter colored leaf.

Origin: Cuba and Honduras
Color: Light-medium brown
Flavor: Peppery, spicy
Fun Fact: There are many hybrid forms of these wrappers which are grown in many locations.

Origin: Cuba, Nicaragua and Ecuador
Color: Light-medium brown
Flavor: Heavy, spicy
Fun Fact: The volcanic soil where the leaves are grown contribute to its distinct flavor.

Origin: Brazil <
Color: Dark brown, black
Flavor: Sweet, full-bodied
Fun Fact: They are commonly known as “dessert smoke” because of their sweet flavor.